图式治疗101:9. 什么是情感剥夺图式

从零开始了解图式治疗(Schema Therapy)

Emotional Deprivation

The expectation that one’s desire for a normal degree of emotional support will not be adequately met by others. The three major forms of deprivation are:
A. Deprivation of Nurturance: Absence of attention, affection, warmth, or com- panionship.
B. Deprivation of Empathy: Absence of understanding, listening, self-disclosure, or mutual sharing of feelings from others.
C. Deprivation of Protection: Absence of strength, direction, or guidance from others.

A. 养育剥夺:缺少关注、慈爱、温暖或陪伴
B. 共情剥夺:缺少来自他人的理解、倾听、自我暴露或者相互分享感情
C. 保护剥夺:缺少来自他人的力量、指导、引领


  • 屈从:例如选择情感拒绝的伴侣,不要求他们满足自己的需要
  • 回避:例如完全避免各种亲密关系
  • 过度补偿:例如做事情时,情感上需要伴侣和亲密朋友


1.^《Schema Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide》,  Jeffrey E. Young,  Janet S. Klosko,  Marjorie E. Weishaar,  The Guilford Press,  2006