图式治疗101:18. 什么是屈从图式

从零开始了解图式治疗(Schema Therapy)


Excessive surrendering of control to others because one feels coerced—submitting in order to avoid anger, retaliation, or abandonment. The two major forms of subjugation are:
A. Subjugation of needs: Suppression of one’s preferences, decisions, and desires.
B. Subjugation of emotions: Suppression of emotions, especially anger.

Usually involves the perception that one’s own desires, opinions, and feelings are not valid or important to others. Frequently presents as excessive compliance, combined with hypersensitivity to feeling trapped. Generally leads to a buildup of anger, manifested in maladaptive symptoms (e.g., passive–aggressive behavior, uncontrolled outbursts of temper, psychosomatic symptoms, withdrawal of affection, “acting out,” substance abuse).

A. 抑制需要:压抑自己的喜好、决定与渴望
B. 抑制情绪:压抑自己的情绪,特别是愤怒



  • 屈从:例如让他人控制情境,并做出决定
  • 回避:例如回避那些可能与他人发生冲突的情境
  • 过度补偿:例如反抗权威


1.^《Schema Therapy: A Practitioner’s Guide》,  Jeffrey E. Young,  Janet S. Klosko,  Marjorie E. Weishaar,  The Guilford Press,  2006